Winter Wedding Centerpieces
By Patri Truman

So many decorative items get marked down after the holiday season. From lovely poinsettia flowers, to strings of wonderful shiny lights, greeting cards, candles, silk flowers, Christmas decorations... the list is endless.
Your wedding centerpieces could look really great at a very low cost. It is really easy to fire your imagination away and create great winter themed centerpieces. Also, the flowers at this time of the year are just so beautiful and perfect for the occasion, like snowdrops, hyacinths and irises. They can all add a touch of glamor to your wedding centerpieces and at the same time keep them simple and very elegant. White flowers always appear sophisticated adding a high-class ambiance that caters for all ages.

Try to think outside the box. Things like frosted vases, artificial flowers, confetti that could be shaped as small hearts, mistletoe, pine cones, berries, ivy, or even fake snow. Bells can also add a warm Christmas feel to your centerpieces.
If you are not in a low budget, ice sculptures would really impress all of your guests. They could be individually tailored to each one of the tables. Then, have a big sculpture on the main table. That will surely give people something to talk about. Be adventurous; make sure your wedding decor stands out. Fire your imagination and plan well ahead. It will pay off in the end. Also, you don't want to be running around like mad in the last few days before your wedding!
Patri Truman is author of Best Wedding Centerpieces and has also written about Centerpieces For Your Winter Wedding.
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